Being Able To Quit A Toxic Job Is A Privilege. — SoftDozeSoftDoze

Being able to quit a toxic job is a privilege.

Being able to quit a toxic job is a privilege.
Being able to quit a toxic job is a privilege.

Being able to quit a toxic job is a privilege.

In a market where people are regularly searching for 6 months or longer, where being unemployed is held against you in a hiring process, and where they may have to accept jobs that set them back professionally or financially, it’s not as easy as “just quit and find something better!”

Many folks in this situation are weighing another emotionally draining day at work against being able to pay rent or buy groceries. They may have debt that will balloon if they find themselves employed. They may lose out on insurance that is critical for their family.

So telling them to simply quit and find something better isn’t going to be very helpful.

Things that MIGHT help:
1. Offer a listening ear so they have safe spaces to vent and get through this tough time.
2. Treat them to a meal or buy them a coffee so they can feel a bit of extra appreciation and support outside of work to make up for that lack of support in the workplace.
3. Help them identify resources that may be available like how to navigate conversations with HR, leverage an EAP, etc.
4. Make introductions within your network to help them accelerate their search for something new.
5. If you are in the same field and have been successful in your own job search, then offer some advice to help them strengthen their applications.
6. Advocate for stronger social safety nets that will help people have more options if they do need to leave a job. Social safety nets aren’t handouts; they are supports that empower and protect people.

In recent surveys, about half of Americans say they want to find a new job, yet many stay anyway.

They know they need to leave, they just aren’t sure how. So telling them to simply leave isn’t actually adding much value. What they need is help and resources to make it happen.

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