How To Hide Specific Area In AutoCAD

To hide a specific area in AutoCAD, you can use the WIPEOUT command or the HIDEOBJECTS command, depending on your requirements. Here are the steps for each method:

Using the WIPEOUT Command

  1. Create a Wipeout Object:
    • Type WIPEOUT in the command line and press Enter.
    • Follow the prompts to create a polygonal area that will obscure everything behind it.
  2. Draw the Wipeout:
    • Click to define the vertices of the wipeout area.
    • Close the polygon by clicking the starting point again or type C to close the shape automatically.
  3. Adjust Wipeout Settings:
    • To ensure the wipeout is above other objects, you might need to adjust the draw order.
    • Type DRAWORDER in the command line, select the wipeout, and choose Bring to Front.

Using the HIDEOBJECTS Command

  1. Select Objects to Hide:
    • Type HIDEOBJECTS in the command line and press Enter.
    • Select the objects you want to hide and press Enter.
  2. Restore Hidden Objects:
    • To bring the hidden objects back, type UNISOLATEOBJECTS and press Enter.

Additional Tips

  • Layer Management: Another way to control the visibility of certain areas is to use layers. Place the objects you want to hide on a specific layer and then turn off or freeze that layer.
    • Type LAYER in the command line and press Enter.
    • Create a new layer or select an existing one.
    • Move the objects to that layer.
    • Turn off or freeze the layer as needed.
  • Clipping: You can use the XCLIP command if you are working with external references (Xrefs).
    • Attach an Xref or a block.
    • Type XCLIP in the command line and press Enter.
    • Select the Xref or block.
    • Specify the clipping boundary.

These methods should help you hide specific areas in AutoCAD effectively.(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

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